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Genealogy of the families Osinga and Fernhout, en families around them

This index is based on a database, and it is therefore very simple to walk through its trees.
If you have information (parents, children or oher relations) of persons in this system please let me know, and I will add the information. If so, refer to the number I have given to this person.
If you are in the system, and would like to add your photo, please mail it in the form of a jpeg file (preferably a small photo), and I will add it.
Dates in the system are in European format (MM-DD-YYYY).
Finding somebody in the system can be done in different ways:
1. using Last names, and select the one you are looking for. This list is ordered by first name(s), which can be clicked.
The family tree of this person is then displayed
2. by using the list of persons who are present with a photo in the system.
3. Using the category Family relations. You can search for the longest list of ancestors, common ancestors and descendants, and common birthday.

4. In the category "Lists" you will find Who lived longest?, Marriages by month, Families with many kids, Twins, Couples, woman 1 year or more older, Couples, man 12 year or more older, Places of birth, Places of death and Places of marriage.

I thank Mrs. Haga Broekema-Douma, Mr Geert Pruiksma and Mr Rieks Frernhout for supplying me with important information.
For any comment please Contact me

Michiel Osinga

Nederlandse Genealogie Webring

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